Thursday, August 9, 2007

Ethical Dilemmas in Global Business

For the Ethical Dilemma in Global Business exercise - you have received a number code.

Here is the answer key:
A = 26; B = 25; C = 24... through Z = 1.

Kind of easy, but you did have to do a little thinking.

Now, take the country name you have identified and go to the following website:

Click on the country insights link, drop down to 'all countries', scroll down and find your country.
You have seven minutes to find out the following information:

1. Who are the country's major trading partners?
2. If you were to set up a joint venture in this country, what type of business would be most successful?
3. What are some of the limitations (economic, infrastructure, technological) in establishing this new venture?
4. What are cultural influences affecting business practices?

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